直接聯絡報價: Email: contact@hkinsur.com / infohkinsur@gmail.com | Whatsapp: +852 5946 7881
W1 This Policy does not indemnify the Insured in respect of any claim arising in connection with the use of woodworking machinery driven by steam, gas, water, electricity or other mechanical power. The expression “woodworking machinery” shall not be deemed to include lathes, fret-saws, boring machines, sanding
machines; or mechanically-driven portable tools applied to the work by hand, other than pendulum and swing saws.
W7 This Policy does not indemnify the Insured in respect of any claim arising in connection with the carting or delivery of goods other than by hand or handcart.
W8 This Policy does not indemnify the Insured in respect of any claim arising in connection with the use of machinery driven by steam, gas, water, electricity or other mechanical power.
W12 It is a condition of this Policy that the indemnify granted is in respect of indoor staff only.
W13 This Policy does not indemnify the Insured in respect of any claim arising in connection with work away from the Insured’s shop or yard other than transport work.
W18 This Policy does not indemnify the Insured in respect of any claim arising in connection with the handling of any unit exceeding 5 pounds in weight when completed for use.
W32 This Policy does not indemnify the Insured in respect of any claim arising in connection with work at a height exceeding 9 metres above ground or floor level.
W44 This Policy does not indemnify the Insured in respect of any claim arising in connection with press-packing other than by manual power; or in connection with press-packing of metal.
W49 This Policy does not indemnify the Insured in respect of any claim arising in connection with
(a) employees receiving from or delivering to vessels or craft of any description, or employees on dock quayside or wharf;
(b) stevedores or lightermen;
(c) the carting or delivery of goods other than by hand or handcart.
W58 This Policy does not indemnify the Insured in respect of any claim arising in connection with castings exceeding 28 pounds in weight.
W71 This Policy does not indemnify the Insured in respect of any claim arising in connection with
(a) employees receiving from or delivering to vessels or craft of any description or employees on dock quayside or wharf;
(b) stevedores or lightermen.
W75 It is hereby understood and agreed that paragraphs (a) to (d) under Insurance Premium of this Policy is deleted and replaced by the following:
The first premium and all renewal premiums that may be accepted are to be regulated by the number and description of all domestic servants employed by the Insured during each Period of Insurance and the Insured shall supply the Company with a correct account of all domestic servants employed during any Period of Insurance within ninety (90) days from the expiry date of such Period of Insurance. If the number and description so disclosed shall differ from that on which premium has been paid the difference in premium shall be met by a further payment to the Company or by a refund by the Company as the case may be subject to the retention by the Company of a minimum premium.
W81 This Policy does not indemnify the Insured in respect of any claim arising in connection with the printing of newspapers or the manufacture of paper.
W97 This Policy does not indemnify the Insured in respect of any claim arising in connection with fitting, installing, repairing or testing away from the premises of the Insured.
W100 This Policy does not indemnify the Insured in respect of any claim arising in connection with the handling of any unit exceeding 550 pounds in weight when completed for use.
W204 It is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity herein granted is extended to indemnify the Insured against liability at law (including liability under the Ordinance set out in the policy) to employees in the employ of sub-contractors performing work for the Insured while engaged in the Business in respect of
which this Policy is granted.
It is further understood and agreed that Exceptions (a) of this Policy is deleted.
Subject otherwise to the Terms of the Policy.
W338 It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is extended to indemnify…. (hereinafter called the Principal) against liability at law (including liability under the Ordinance set out in the policy) in like manner to the Insured but only so far as concerns the liability of the Principal to Employees of the Insured engaged in connection with a contract undertaken by the insured for the Principal.
Provided always that
(1) the Company shall not be liable under this Endorsement (except under the Ordinance) in respect of any injury by Accident or Disease due to or resulting from any act default or neglect of the Principal his servants or agents.
(2) the Principal shall as though he were the Insured observe fulfil and be subject to the Terms of this Policy insofar as they can apply.
(3) the Company shall have full conduct and control of all claims in respect of which indemnity is granted by this Endorsement.
Subject otherwise to the Terms of this Policy.
W348 It is hereby understood and agreed that the witnessing clause of the Policy is deemed to be deleted and replaced by the following:-
“Now this Policy witnesseth that if any Employee in the immediate employ of any of the parties jointly
described as the Insured shall sustain bodily injury or death by Accident or Disease occurring during the
Period of Insurance within the Geographical Area and arising out of and in the course of his employment by
the Insured in the Business”.
It is further understood and agreed that exception (a) of this Policy is deleted.
Subject otherwise to the Terms of this Policy.
Safety Belt Warranty (Over 30 feet) – Applicable to Scaffolding Worker
Excluding Proprietor(s), Partner(s) or Self-employed person
Construction Site Exclusion